Dissemination of education both in quality and spread must get highest priority if our nation is to pull out of the quagmire that we have sunk into. Magnitude of the task demands mobilization of colossal effort which may not be possible for Government to undertake in public sector alone. The challenge has to be shared by private sector. Uswa College Islamabad is one manifestation of its dedication to the cause of education. The College has set ambitious goals to fulfill its mission so that by the time they complete F.Sc level studies at the College, a crop of knowledgeable, disciplined and patriotic young lot is ready to serve the nation. Established in April 2003, Uswa College Islamabad has, with the grace of Allah, made impressive strides in academics, co-curricular activities and environmental refinement. The College is getting introduced throughout Pakistan, and a need was felt to launch a website to address various queries, and facilitate prospective students and their parents/guardians. It is hoped that this website shall provide much needed information about the College.


Uswa College Islamabad is a project of Jabir Bin Hayyan. Trust. This Trust, established in the name of Father of Chemistry, is a vibrant and effective NGO working in the areas of education, health and poverty alleviation in rural areas of Pakistan. Its major focus area is the field of education.
Uswa College Islamabad was established in March 2003 and the first entry of students joined the College on 13 April 2003. The College is a residential institution affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad. The college has been showing brilliant results both in SSC and HSSC. At the present the college hostel can accommodate 350+ students. However work for expansion is in progress.
Syllabus for Entry Test 2025:
Model Papers
CALENDAR OF EVENTS January 25 TO March 25
Teachers Contacts List
To keep a close watch on the gradual progress of our precious students, the College has evolved an elaborate system of assessment in the form of class tests and terminal exams.
Academic results are the true index of an academic institution’s real worth as they serve as pointers to the devoted hard work put in during each academic year.
Labs are to a college as the liver is to the body without them, survival of a college is impossible. Our labs being well equipped and updated with all facilities available for students,
Career Counseling
At Uswa College students are facilitated by career counseling programs to make the best choice of field for their practical life.
Admission Procedure
Documents Submitted
The essential documents required at the time of admission.
Admission Procedure
Find what procedure a student has to follow to join Uswa College Islamabad.